Call Attribution Tech - Do you need it?
May 03, 2017
Call attribution software? Whatever happened to using different 800 numbers for different ad placements and ads? Once again, the tech community has come up with a solution for a problem that shouldn't exist if marketers knew what they were doing and knew anything about direct marketing, which they happen to be involved in if they are marketing through the digital channel. Using dedicated 800 numbers has always been the most effective way to track response and measure the effectiveness of ads and offers and it worked so well that direct marketers continue to use it in the digital marketing age. If you feel the need to spend money on more marketing tech before you try old school methods, then go ahead. This article outlines the benefits to the marketing team in doing so. But, you might want to do a cost benefit analysis first to see if using different numbers is cheaper than the spend on the technology. Read More.

Dudley Stevenson, founder and CEO of DWS Associates, has over thirty-five years’ experience in consumer marketing, business-to-business marketing, and direct marketing, including developing, planning, and implementing go-to-market strategies. He's also the author of "Marketing Direct: Breaking Through The Clutter." Working with organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, he and his team have helped clients such as IBM, Sony, Neiman Marcus, Arizona Highways, Marshall Field & Co., Mrs. Field’s, UNICEF, and Patagonia implement successful direct marketing programs. A longtime member of the Direct Marketing Association and the American Marketing Association, Stevenson is also a sought-after speaker. He’s given hundreds of presentations and workshops on marketing and direct marketing. His “Marketing Planning 101” workshop alone has reached more than 100,000 marketing and sales professionals.
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