Student Retention Assessment  
  This assessment covers student retention strategies, practices, processes and programs for each stage of the students life at the institution.  Select a value of 1 to 5 from the drop list in the scoring column for each statement.  A value of "1" means that you strongly disagree with the statement as it applies to your institution and a value of "5" means that you strongly agree with the statement as it applies to your institution  If the statement is not applicable to your situation, select "0" from the drop list.  No questions are to be left unanswered.  Compare your average score to the rating scale at the bottom of this tool.

The purpose of this assessment is to identify areas of strength and areas of opportunity.  Ideally, this assessment will give you peace of mind.  More than likely, it will identify areas for improvement - and that's a good thing!
  Rating Scale: Overall Results for This Section:  
       Score 5 - Strongly Agree Total Questions in This Section
       Score 4 - Agree Total Questions Answered
       Score 3 - Unsure Total Questions Applicable to Your Business
       Score 2 - Disagree Total Points
       Score 1 - Strongly Disagree Average Score
       Score 0 - Not Applicable Average Grade
    Individual Results for Each Category:  
    General (Max. Total Points: 70)
    Recruitment Stage (Max. Total Points: 35)
    New Student Stage - Year 1 (Max. Total Points: 130)
    Current Student Stage - Beyond Year 1 through Graduation (Max. Total Points: 15)
    Stop Out Stage (Max. Total Points: 45)
    Drop Out Stage (Max. Total Points: 15)
# New Student Acquisition / Lead Management
We have a written strategic retention plan
We have a single position responsible for retention efforts
We developed the retention plan with input and approval from key stakeholders representing student facing departments from around the college
We have clearly identified and defined “factors” that are common amongst current and past at-risk and successful students
We developed a plan that clearly identifies and defines “symptoms” of at-risk and successful behavior
We developed a process for reconfirming the “factors” on a semi-annual basis so we can confirm the student’s status
We developed the factors and symptoms based upon research of current and prior at-risk and successful students
We have clearly define segments of students for example “low”, “medium” and “high” risk, stop out, drop out etc.
We have clear action plans that are implemented for each segment of students
We have shared the written plan with all key stakeholders across the institution
We developed the written plan with input from all key stakeholders across the institution
We developed a clearly defined process for capturing, storing data for analysis
We have specific tasks and requirements for monitoring data capture to ensure quality
We have a detailed data capture training process for staff that is required
We defined our target audience based on the characteristics of our ‘best most successful students’ (demographic, psychographic, geographic factors)
We have a clearly defined qualification process that identifies our segments [ex] not qualified, low risk, medium risk, high risk etc.
We have a process for capturing the data we need to define the individual as “qualified”, “not qualified”, and “low”, “medium” or “high” risk for attrition during the recruitment stage so that we can serve the individual more effectively.  
We have a process for recruiting, enrolling, onboarding and retaining students we preliminary determine to be “High Risk”
We have a process for recruiting, enrolling, onboarding and retaining students we preliminary determine to be “Low Risk”
We have a process for recruiting, enrolling, onboarding and retaining students we preliminary determine to be “Medium Risk”
We have a process for helping those deemed as “unqualified” to pursue more appropriate solutions for their wants and needs – and this process ensures that the individual is not pursued by the institution until they are reevaluated and reclassified as “qualified”.  
We have a formal onboarding process for all new students
We have a formal onboarding process designed specifically for new students identified as “high risk”
We have a formal onboarding process designed specifically for new students identified as “medium risk”
We have a formal onboarding process designed specifically for new students identified as “low risk”
We develop curriculum specifically for non-traditional students unique needs
We monitor class performance in real time in order to identify where students seem to struggle so that portion of the course can be redesigned
We compare time to complete an assignment with grade earned and use that to calculate risk of attrition
We have created a ‘degree road map’ for all programs so that the non-traditional student knows what courses they will take and when in order to graduate
We created the ‘degree road maps’ to account for students that desire to take more than one course per term so that their course work load remains manageable.  
We closely monitor key symptoms of risk and have a clear action plan based on our findings
We offer tutoring services on the main campus, satellite campus, online and remote locations in order to meet the nontraditional students’ needs for flexibility and convenience
We offer classroom, hybrid and online options to non-traditional students
We offer early morning, late evening and weekend courses (classroom and hybrid) in order to serve the nontraditional students need for flexibility and convenience
We mix synchronous and asynchronous features into our online courses in order to provide nontraditional students with the flexibility and convenience they require.
We offer all student services 24/7 in order to meet the needs of nontraditional students
We offer all student services at all locations (main campus, satellite campuses, online) for easy, convenient access
All student facing departments have access to a centralized database/CRM that they utilize to record encounters with students and capture key data that helps us evaluate the risk of attrition
We immediately survey students after they have engaged with any student services in order to ensure that they were satisfied by the experience and so we can update their risk factor status.
We assign a mentor to all new students identified as ‘high’ risk in order to help them navigate our institution on campus and online
We assign a tutor to all new students identified as “high risk” in subject matter areas such as math, writing, etc.
When a student begins to display symptoms of risk, we immediately initiate a process to help the student
We have designed intervention strategies that have set goals, objectives and measurements to determine success
We re-evaluate all new students at least 2 times during their first year in order to determine if they ….factors that lead to risk
We have developed processes for identifying the needs and expectations of the new student so we can provide them with the most appropriate services and support
We have created space dedicated to nontraditional students so they have places to congregate and socialize
We have scheduled events on a wide range of topics (entertainment, sports, career development, financial planning etc.) to bring nontraditional students together for socialization and networking outside the classroom around other areas of interest.
We have developed a process confirming and updating data that impacts the students Factor of Risk.
We confirm and update the risk factor data at least twice per year
We immediately adjust the students support plan based on the updated risk factor update.
We have a clear definition of what a ‘stop out’ is that is shared across the institution
We have developed an effective ‘early warning system’ that identifies the symptoms of attrition early in the process so that we can respond appropriately
We have an action plan that immediately goes into action when a student triggers the ‘early warning system’
We have an action plan that immediately goes into action when a student stops out
We have developed personalized retention plans based on the individuals factors and symptoms
We use a multi-channel effort to contact and work with the student so they return to our program in a timely manner and prepared to succeed
We use multiple points of contact in the multi-channel effort in order to connect with them through the appropriate contacts which might include their adviser, faculty, department chair, mentor, tutor, etc.
All student facing faculty and staff are trained on how to engage with a student in this stage in order to help them determine their best course of action – returning to our program or formally dropping out.
Our goal for this stage is to help the individual come to the right decision for them – be it returning to our program or formally dropping out or transferring to another institution.
We have a clear definition for ‘drop out’ that is known and shared across the campus by faculty, staff and students.
We have a process in place for interviewing those that have requested to formally withdrawal from the institution in order to determine reasons that we can impact.
We have a process in place for interviewing those that have requested to transfer from the institution to another institution in order to determine reasons that we can impact.
Analysis of your Score
Grade "A" - Excellent - 
You have excellent business and marketing processes and practices in place. 
Grade "B" - Above Average
You have good processes and practices in place and only need to work on fine tuning a few critical areas.  You could benefit from streamlining processes.
Grade "C" - Fair
You need to evaluate and document processes that utilize your resources efficiently.   
Grade "D" - Below Average
Your organization has a lot of work to do in improving marketing strategies and marketing management processes and practices.  
Grade "F" - Poor
Your organization is on life support.
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