This web page contains a live and functional spreadsheet created with
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Conversion Rates
Inquiries to Leads (Marketing Qualified)
Leads to Opportunities (Sales Qualified)
Opportunities to Qualified Opportunities (Sales Qualified)
Qualified Opportunities to Closes
If you don't define your process in this manner, you can enter 100% at any stage that you don't include to generate the number of total leads needed at the beginning of your sales cycle.
Revenue Projections
Projected Revenue for Period
# of reps
Revenue quota per rep
% of quota self-generated by the rep
Quota requiring lead generation support
Revenue per transaction
Flow Forecast
# of closes per rep
# of qualified opportunities
per rep
# of opportunities (sales qualified) per rep
# of leads per rep
# of inquiries per rep
Total # of Inquiries needed at beginning of sales cycle for all reps